DoAll TC-100NC 

Max Ø10 up to Ø102 mm 
The DoALL TC range circular sawing machines are designed for high production against low cost for ownership. Machines are suited to materials from engineering steel, non ferrous to stainless steel, using carbide tipped blades. 
With ergonomic design and extremely easy to use interface machine is ready for production in a matter of moments. Coupled with this is the new guide system gives an extremely high squareness tolerance and a mirror finish. 
DoALL Circular Sawing Machines: 
High production 
High accuracy 
Superb finish 
And easy to use 
Standard equipment 
Operator friendly PLC control with touch screen 
Hydraulic clamped front and vertical vices 
Floating shuttle device 
Automatic loading table for round bars 
Out of stock detector 
Air compressed oil mist 
Electromagnetic Powder brake 
Inverter drive 
Hydraulic operated sorting chute 
Powered chip brush 
Automatic chip conveyor 
Work light 
One set of tools in toolbox 
Capacity round 
10 – 102 mm 
Capacity rectangular 
10 – 80 mm 
Blade rotation speed 
30 – 150 m/min. 
Band drive motor 
11 kW 
Material feed system 
1200 x 5200 mm 
Single – Automatic index 
6 – 600 mm 
Multiple – Index length 
up to 6.000 mm 
6890L x 2850W x 2090H mm 
3600 kg 

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